The European Union has agreed to extend Brexit until 31st January next year. European Council president, Donald Tusk made the announcement through a tweet today. He said the bloc would allow for a so-called flextension, meaning the UK could leave before the deadline if a deal was approved by Parliament.

The UK was due to leave the EU on Thursday, but Mr Johnson was required to request an extension from the bloc after Parliament failed to agree on a Brexit deal. He had repeatedly said the UK would leave on 31 October deadline do or die, but the law known as the Benn Act also requires him to accept the offer.

Donald Tusk’s announcement came after a very short meeting of EU diplomats in Brussels to sign off on the Brexit new delay.

EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier while leaving the envoys said that it was a very short, efficient and constructive meeting. He said he is happy the decision has been taken.

The draft text of the agreement for the 27 EU member States also includes a commitment that the Withdrawal Agreement on the UK’s exit from the EU cannot be renegotiated in future.