Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has said, the BJP-led alliance will provide a stable government in the state. Addressing party workers at a Diwali gathering in Mumbai, Mr. Fadnavis said, the process of government formation will start after Diwali.
He said, the BJP is the single-largest party and the mandate is a clear majority for BJP, Shiv Sena and its other allies. Mr. Fadnavis said, the party will elect legislature party leader after Diwali and swearing-in of the new government will take place soon afterwards.
Meanwhile, Shiv Sena president Uddhav Thackeray held a meeting with the newly-elected legislators in Mumbai yesterday.
Sena MLA Pratap Sarnaik told reporters, during the meeting , Party chief Uddhav Thackeray demanded a written assurance from its ally BJP on implementing equal power sharing formula before holding talks on staking the claim for next alliance Government formation in the state.
Newly-elected NCP MLAs will also meet at the party’s headquarters in Mumbai on 30th October to elect the leader of the House.
NCP said, the party chief Sharad Pawar will also attend the meeting.