SIXTY SIX 66 people have been tested positive of SIXTY-SIX in the last 24 hours, with the virus claiming one life in Rajasthan. About 1,000 cases have been reported in the state since the beginning of the New Year and 39 people have lost their lives.

Jaipur and Jodhpur are the most affected cities where cases are being reported in large numbers. 375 cases have been found in Jaipur district, while Swine Flu claimed highest 26 lives in Jodhpur. Here, more than 250 cases have been found positive, so far. Swine Flu cases are also being reported in big numbers in Ajmer, Kota, Udaipur, Bikaner and Bharatpur Districts.

Health Minister of the state Dr Raghu Sharma told that sample collection for investigation, medicine and treatment facilities are available at all district hospitals. He told that Rapid response teams and 24X7 control rooms have been set up at each district headquarter. Vaccination of Medical staff engaged with the treatment of Swine Flu affected people is also going on.