NEW DELHI/PATNA: (AMN) Over 51 per cent voters cast their vote in the in the fourth phase of assembly elections in Bihar on Monday.  

“The polling was by and large peaceful barring a few minor incidents” said Deputy Election Commissioner Vinod Zutshi  in New Delhi. He said a case has been registered against RJD leader Lalu Prasad for violating the norms of Election Commission. FIR was also registered against former Chief Minister Rabri Devi for viloating EC norms. 

He also said that over 46 per cent polling was reported in the bye-election to the Banka Lok Sabha seat. Besides other tight security measures four helicopters were also pressed into air surveillance for this phase of elections. The Bihar administration heaved a sigh of relief after peaceful poll in the naxal affected areas. Polling parties have deposited EVMs in their respective strong rooms. 

The Election Commission has instructed all poll related officials to be vigilant even in the night. Strict vigil is being maintained in sensitive areas to avert untoward incident. Patrolling continues to be intensified during the night also. After completion of the fourth phase of elections polling has been completed in 182 constituencies out of 243.