Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha said besides extending quality, affordable generic medicines to common people, the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana scheme is providing excellent opportunity of self-employment to women & youth. Around 350 modern health infrastructure projects coming up in the UT for resilient health system & strong socio-economic growth. The UT administration has to start 75 Jan Aushadhi Kendras in every district to mark the Amrit Kaal. Congratulating all the stakeholders on the occasion, the LG emphasized on making collective efforts to popularize generic medicines among the masses and extend the benefits of PMBJP to every nook and corner of J&K. The LG highlighted the reforms introduced to ensure quality, affordable and accessible healthcare for the people of J&K. The LG said that under the guidance of Hon’ble PM Narendra Modi, we are strengthening the health sector to ensure well being of all. He further said affordable medicines from Jan Aushadhi Kendras have resulted in saving of huge sums for families across the country. Approximately 32 thousand patients are visiting 227 Kendras every day in J&K. The LG was addressing the 5th Jan Aushadhi Diwas celebrations under Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana at GMC Jammu, today through virtual mode.