In Kerala, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) is continuing the massive search operation targeting the leaders and associates of the banned outfit, Popular Front of India (PFI ). The search is going on at nearly 56 locations across the State, from early morning today. It is reported that phones, books and other related items are being seized from search locations.
The raid is reportedly in the wake of PFI leaders’ plan to regroup the outfit in some other name. Raid is going in various locations across the State, mainly in Ernakulam, Thiruvananthapuram, Malappuram, Alappuzha, Kozhikode, Kottayam and Pathanamthitta districts. The search is being carried on in the houses of major leaders including the house of brother of ex-National Chairman of PFI O.M.A, Salim. The PFI, is a Kerala based fundamentalist outfit which later spread its tentacles to different parts of the country was banned by the Union government in September this year.