Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has announced an ex-gratia of Rs 50 lakh for the family of the Inspector Subodh Kumar Singh who died in attack by the villagers in Syana area of BulandShahar district yesterday.
Directing the Additional Director General of Intelligence to file report in next 48 hours, Chief Minister said that after getting the report stern action will be taken against those responsible for the incident.
Chief Minister also reviewed the situation in Bulandshahar last night. He expressed deep sorrow over the death of the police officer on duty and a villager in the incident of violence. Chief Minister announced that 40 lakh rupees will be given to the wife of late Inspector while 10 lakh rupees will be given to his parents. State government will also give government job to one person of the family apart from providing extraordinary pension.
Special Investigation Team under supervision of IG Range Meerut has already been formed to probe Bulandshahar violence. Meanwhile, situation is now under control in Syana and heavy police force have been deployed in the area. ADG Meerut zone and IG zone are camping in Bulandshahar and 6 companies of PAC along with 5 companies of RAF are also at the spot.