EAM S Jaishankar raised India’s concerns about Pakistan-based terror groups such as LeT and JeM, saying these groups continue to operate with both impunity and encouragement in Afghanistan and against India.



INDIA External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar today said the world must never compromise with the evil of terrorism and terrorism in all its forms and manifestations must be condemned. He chaired the UN Security Council briefing on “Threats to International Peace and Security Caused by Terrorists Act” this evening in New York.

He said there cannot be any exception or any justification for any act of terrorism, regardless of motivations behind such acts. The Minister stressed that the menace of terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilisation, or ethnic group.

However, Dr Jaishankar said in spite of the progress made to tighten legal, security, financing, and other frameworks to combat terrorism, terrorists are constantly finding newer ways of motivating, resourcing and executing acts of terror. He said unfortunately there are also some countries that seek to undermine or subvert collective resolve to fight terrorism and this cannot be allowed to pass.

He added that ISIL continues to pose a critical threat to international peace and security. ISIL remains active in Syria and Iraq and its affiliates are growing in strength. The Minister said the radicalisation of vulnerable youth remains a serious concern.

Jaishankar reiterated an eight-point action plan to counter terrorism that he had proposed while addressing the Security Council in January. The plan envisages greater political will to tackle terror, dropping double standards on terrorism, not placing blocks and holds on requests for sanctioning terrorist individuals and groups without reason, and strengthening the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Turning to terror threats in India’s immediate neighbourhood, Jaishankar said: “Events unfolding in Afghanistan have naturally enhanced global concerns about their implications for both regional and international security. The heightened activities of the proscribed Haqqani Network justifies this growing anxiety.”

He added the Islamic State-Khorasan has “become more energetic and is constantly seeking to expand its footprint”.

Jaishankar also raised India’s concerns about Pakistan-based terror groups, saying: “Whether it is in Afghanistan or against India, groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed continue to operate with both impunity and encouragement. It is, therefore, vital that this Council does not take a selective, tactical or complacent view of the problems we face.”