There has been no sign that the number of pro-Guaido military defectors is increasing, and Maduro is believed to remain in control of the country.


A large number of Venezuelans took to the streets on Wednesday to demand President Nicolas Maduro step down, a day after opposition leader Juan Guaido tried to spark a military uprising.

Guaido and his supporters marched through the center of the capital Caracas.

Early on Tuesday, Guaido had posted a video on Twitter calling on all military personnel to join an uprising. The footage showed him at an airforce base in the capital accompanied by several military men and Leopoldo Lopez, a prominent opposition leader.

A large crowd of Maduro’s supporters filled the streets surrounding the base later in the day.

After being repelled by government forces, some military personnel believed to have led the uprising sought refuge at the Brazilian embassy .

Speaking to a crowd in Caracas on Wednesday, Guaido admitted that he did not have enough military defectors on his side during Tuesday’s uprising to declare victory. He pledged to continue fighting until Maduro steps down.

There has been no sign that the number of pro-Guaido military defectors is increasing, and Maduro is believed to remain in control of the country.