US President Joe Biden called his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin yesterday to discuss the Ukraine Situation. A White House statement said, during the call Mr.Biden spoke about Russia’s escalating military buildup on the borders of Ukraine.

President Biden reiterated that Russian invasion of Ukraine would produce widespread human suffering and diminish Russia’s standing.

The Kremlin described the call as taking place amid peak hysteria from the US and its allies and said Mr Putin had again told his counterpart that they had not addressed Russia’s security concerns. But both leaders would continue to talk, it said.

French President Emmanuel Macron also spoke to Mr Putin yesterday, telling him that a sincere dialogue was not compatible with escalation, according to the French embassy.

Washington has moved some US forces out of Ukraine and ordered the evacuation of most of its embassy staff today.

Russia is also making changes, saying it will optimise the staffing of its diplomats in Ukraine, citing possible acts of provocation by the Kyiv regime or third countries.