A US-based international nuclear proliferation watchdog today said, Pakistan’s application to the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) should not be granted.

In its report, the Institute for Science and International Security said, Pakistan’s application should not be granted the present time as it appears committed to building one or two large uranium enrichment plants in its Kahuta nuclear power plant site.

After a detailed analysis of the latest satellite images obtained by it, the institute said, there are also other reasons to refuse its membership including Pakistan’s ongoing illicit nuclear procurements abroad and its refusal to even minimally split its military and civil nuclear programs.

The watchdog said, while much of the world’s attention has been directed to the nuclear programmes of Iran and North Korea, Pakistan has greatly expanded its nuclear complex dedicated to producing nuclear weapons.

It said, other members of the NSG should tell China that the supply of goods to Pakistan’s enrichment programme would violate China’s NSG commitments.