US President Donald Trump withdrew his endorsement of a joint statement at the end of a G7 summit in Canada today in a row over trade. In a tweet, Trump accused the summit chairman and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of dishonesty and making false statements at his news conference.


The US President who is on his way to Singapore for a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un also reiterated warnings that his administration was mulling tariffs on automobiles flooding the US market.

Trump’s remarks came after Mr Trudeau in a press conference said, Canada will move forward with retaliatory measures on 1st of next month against US decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from Canada, the European Union and Mexico.

Earlier, all the G7 nations agreed on the importance of a rules-based trading system. The eight-page statement also included joint commitments to ensure that Iran will “never seek, develop or acquire a nuclear weapon” as well as demands for Russia to stop undermining Western democracies.