The total infection has reached close to four lakh 34 thousand with 5928 new cases reported yesterday in Tamil Nadu. In Chennai, the latest sero-survey results show that about 21.5 percent of its population carry the anti-bodies against the virus causing Covid-19.

However, the active cases remain just under 52.5 thousand. About 12400 samples have been collected at random in Chennai for the sero-testing from the 18th July over a period of eleven days.

The study has been aimed at detecting the antibodies called the Immunoglobulin IgG that fight against the SARSCov2 virus. It was coordinated by the National Institute of Epidemiology, an ICMR research lab in the city. The results came out last evening, showing that 21.5 percent of the public in the metropolis carry the antibodies.

The more the prevalence of the antibodies, the more the resistance to the virus, says the city civic body commissioner Prakash. However, there is a huge variation in its prevalence in the city, ranging from as high as 50 percent in Korukkupet Ward in Tondiarpet zone to as low as two percent in Lakshmipuram in Madhavaram zone.