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army 2The surgical strikes carried by elite Indian Army in Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir POK last night were recorded on cameras; the government will decide whether and when to release the footage, including some obtained through drones, Sources in govt said.

At midnight, India moved troops across the Line of Control to target seven different launch pads where terrorists had been placed to infiltrate India and carry out attacks within Kashmir as well as other major metros, said the army today. Pakistan was caught totally by surprise, said sources, crucial to “achieving full impact.” A huge number of terrorists were killed – each “launch pad” that was attacked held at least 10 terrorists and an equal number of guides and other assistants.

The government was undre pressure from people anger over the terror attack at an army base in Uri earlier this month in which 18 soldiers were killed, said a senior BJP leader. He added that recent moves by India to isolate Pakistan by “tinkering with its Most Favoured Nation trading status or recalling envoys was no longer enough to address the levels of anger.”