Sri Lankan government today appointed former army commander General SH Shantha Kottegoda as new Defense Secretary while police chief has been sent on compulsory leave following Easter Sunday attacks in the country.

General Kottegoda headed the army in 2004-05 and was appointed new defence secretary after his predecessor had resigned last week in wake of attacks.

President Maithripala Sirisena had also called on police chief Pujith Jaysundara to resign but he did not oblige and was sent on compulsory leave today and an active chief appointed. The changes came in wake of security lapse despite intelligence inputs of the attacks which killed 253 people including 42 foreigners.

Meanwhile, daily life in Colombo and other parts of the country is returning back to normal through security of more such attacks remain. An internal advisory by security officials has warned that the terrorists were planning more attacks, using a van and bombers disguised in military uniforms.

Security forces are continuing with their crackdown on fundamentalist groups mainly based in the eastern province of the country.

The government today said a special security plan will be implemented before schools are reopened. Earlier, President Sirisena had issued an order for a ban on burqa or veil covering the face.

The order said any garment or item which obstructs the identification of a person’s face would be barred.

Some Muslim organisations had also come forward and suggested a ban on burqa to help stabilize the security situation.