Spain voted on Sunday in an uncertain snap general election marked by a resurgence of the far-right after more than four decades on the outer margins of politics.

Opinion polls give outgoing socialist premier Pedro Sanchez a win but without the necessary majority to govern alone, meaning he will have to seek alliances in a political environment that has soured since Catalonia’s failed secession bid.

The novelty of these elections is the emergence of far-right party Vox, which burst onto the scene in December regional polls in southern Andalusia and looks set to make its first-ever entrance into the national parliament.

Polls predict it could take more than 10 per cent of the votes in a country that had no far-right party to speak of since the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975, in what is likely to cause further concern in Europe.

Polling stations will close at 8:00 pm local time, with results announced later on Sunday.