

UNION Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today met the COP 26 President Designate Alok Sharma in New Delhi today and discussed various issues related to climate change and specifically COP 26.

Ms Sitharaman stated that India is among a few G20 countries on track towards UNFCCC and Paris Agreement goals and has taken decisive actions to tackle climate change.

The Finance Minister mentioned that the Government is taking concrete steps and at appreciable speed to meet its commitments on the target of 450 Giga Watt of renewable energy by 2030. She added that 100 Giga Watt of this renewable energy had already been achieved. Among other important initiatives, the extensive work done on Hydrogen Energy Mission was highlighted.

With regards to ongoing discussions on climate change in various fora, Ms Sitharaman referring to the dialogue on climate justice spoke about the need to bring a sense of compassion towards the poor. The Finance Minister expressed hope that the commitment made by the developed countries to provide 100 billion dollars per year to developing countries would be achieved and was optimistic about a positive outcome on the new collective goals on finance in COP 26.