A number of important papers were presented by various scholars, Ulema, and research scholars hailing from various Universities and seminaries of India such as Islam and its relation with Globalization, Democracy, Nation States, Human Rights, Rationalism, Modernism and Post-modernism, Interfaith Dialogue, Pluralism, Islam and the Ills of Modernity, Islam, Women and Hijab and other modem issues having direct concern with Islam and Muslim Ummah.
The 2-day seminar yielded a memorable array of papers that furnished encouraging and insightful scholarship that would contribute greatly to the existing knowledge, research works and observations of Muslim scholars, thinkers and budding researchers on this theme.
Spread over 6 business sessions, the Seminar was inaugurated by the Aligarh Muslim University Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis while Prof. Nejatullah Siddiqui addressed the programme as Chief Guest.
Prof K. M. Yusuf Amin delivered the keynote address. Prof. C.P.S. Chauhan, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences proposed a vote of thanks. Mr. Salman Naseem Nadwi of Darul Ulum Nadwatul Ulama read the “message” of Maulana Syed Rabey Hasani Nadawi.
Earlier, Prof. Zafarul Islam, Director Seminar and Chairman, Department of Islamic Studies presented the welcome address. Prof. Islam presented an introductory speech and made an overview of the various achievements of the department during the session 2010-2011.
Dr. Abdul Majid Khan, Convener of the Seminar presented an overview of the Seminar. A total of research 53 papers including 3 power-point presentations (27 by various Professors, Teachers, and other dignitaries from across the whole country, and from the different departments and faculties of AMU, 25 by Research scholars and by some PG Students, including some outstation research scholars as well) were presented in 6 business sessions on the above mentioned themes.
Prof. Asmer Beg, Prof. Mahmudul Haq, Prof. Abdul Qadir Jafri, Dr. Muhammad Amir Hayat, Prof. Ali Ahmad Naqvi, Prof. Muhammad Salahuddin Umari and Prof. Shah Muhammad Waseem presided over the various sessions and Mr. Bilal Ahmad Kutty, Dr. Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Dr. Abdul Hamid Fazili, Dr. Tauqeer Ahmad, Dr. Ziauddin conducted these sessions.
A Question-Answer session was also held at the end of each session in which students, research scholars, teachers and other delegates participated which were followed by discussion on the papers presented in the preceding session.
The sessions were well attended by research scholars and teachers such as Miss Aasia Yusuf, Mr. Tauseef Ahmad Parray, Dr. Syed Lateef Ahmad Kazimi, Dr. Raziul Islam Nadawi, Janab Abdul Mateen, Prof. Salahuddin Qureshi and Prof. Shah Muhammad Waseem who also expressed their views.
Prof. Zafarul Islam thanked all the participants/speakers, teaching and non-teaching staff, especially the research scholars who took active part and keen interest in making the seminar successful. The valedictory session ended with concluding remarks and vote of thanks by Dr. Abdul Majid Khan, Convener of the seminar. (PRESS RELEASE)