Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) have reaffirmed their commitment to fight terrorism, separatism and extremism. They emphasized on taking measures to disrupt the terror financing channels, stop the radicalization of youth and eliminate sleeper cells and places used as terrorist safe havens, and cross-border movement of terrorists.

Leaders of the SCO adopted New Delhi Declaration after a virtual meeting of the Council of Heads of State of SCO today. According to the New Delhi Declaration, the Member States will seek to develop common principles and approaches to form a unified list of terrorist, separatist and extremist organizations whose activities are prohibited on the territories of the SCO Member States. They opposed the militarization of information and communication technologies.

The Member States have expressed their concern about the growing threats posed by increased production, trafficking, and abuse of narcotic drugs and using the proceeds of illicit drug trafficking as a source of funding for terrorism. They stressed the need for a joint and balanced approach to countering the trafficking of illicit drugs.

The Member States reiterated that unilateral and unlimited expansion of global missile defense systems by certain countries has a negative impact on international security and stability. They advocated keeping outer space free of weapons. They called for compliance with the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling, and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction as an effective instrument in disarmament and non-proliferation.

Emphasizing on building an independent, democratic, and peaceful Afghanistan which is free from terrorism, war, and drugs, the member states expressed that it is essential to establish an inclusive government in Afghanistan with the participation of representatives of all ethnic, religious, and political groups in Afghan society.

In view of the evolving humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, the Member States supported continued efforts to assist the Afghan people.
Calling for greater effectiveness of the World Trade Organization, they emphasized the need for early implementation of an inclusive reform of the organization. The Member States expressed their intentions to strengthen cooperation in education, science and technology, culture, health, disaster management, tourism, sports, and people-to-people contacts. To deal with the challenges posed by the global uncertainties, the Member States stressed on adopting new approaches to promote a more equitable and effective international cooperation. They reaffirmed their commitment to the peaceful settlement of disagreements and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultations.

Noting the importance of cooperation in the field of environmental protection, ecological security, and prevention of the negative consequences of climate change, member states agreed to declare 2024 as the SCO Year of Environment.

The Member States appreciated the outcomes of India’s presidency of the SCO in 2022-2023 which has contributed to the further development of multi-faceted and mutually beneficial cooperation. The presidency of the SCO for the forthcoming period is handed over to Kazakhstan. The next meeting of the SCO Council of Heads of State will be held in 2024 in Kazakhstan.