PM WITH MOTHERPrime Minister Narendra Modi met his mother Heeraben early this morning. In a tweet message, Mr. Modi said that he had skipped his early morning Yoga schedule to meet his mother at his brother’s residence in Gandhinagar. Prime Minister took breakfast with his mother and other family members.

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Kejriwal takes dig at PM on his tweet about spending time with mother
New Delhi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s today tweet about spending time with his mother evoked a sarcastic remark from Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who said he wouldn’t like to advertise about the time passed with his mother.

“I stay with my mother and seek blessings from her everyday but I don’t publicise it. I don’t make my mother stand in the bank queue for political publicity,” the Aam Aadmi Party convenor said in a series of tweets.

Earlier in the day, Mr Modi in a tweet said, “Skipped Yoga and went to meet mother. Before dawn had breakfast with her. Was great spending time together.”