Prime Minister Narendra Modi today inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of various infrastructure and development projects worth Rs 33,000 crore at Barauni in Begusarai district. He also laid the foundation stone of Patna Metro Rail Project at a cost of over 13,000 crore rupees via video conferencing. The project would be completed by 2024.
Mr Modi also initiated construction and dedicated projects related to gas pipeline, expansion of Barauni Refinery, revival of Barauni fertiliser unit, ATF aviation fuel plant, extension of Paradip-Haldia-Durgapur LPG pipeline to Patna and Muzaffarpur, Urja Ganga Project City Gas Distribution at Patna and other projects worth over 15,000 crores.
Mr Modi laid the foundation stone for the first phase of Jagdishpur Haldia and Bokaro Dhamra gas pipeline project under the Prime Minister’s package for Bihar. He also kick started work of several development projects of civic works, Clean Ganga Mission and Railways also.
The Prime Minister laid the foundation stone of 22 projects under AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation) mission worth over 1,400 crores. Under the mission, a drinking water pipeline would be laid.
Mr Modi also dedicated the first phase of Patna River Front Development covering 16 ghats of Ganga and laid the foundation stone of network for sewerage projects in Patna and Bhagalpur. Later today, Mr Modi will unveil multiple projects pertaining to health, education, water supply and sanitation at Hazaribagh and Ranchi in Jharkhand.