Staff Reporter

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that opportunities are increasing for women in the country and the government is working with full sensitivity for their education, health, nutrition, vaccination and other needs. He said, women are being provided the facilities like house, toilet, electricity, water and gas connections. The Prime Minister asked women to work 75 hours from 15th August 2021 to 15 August 2022 for Swachata programme in their locality.

While participating in the ‘Aatmanirbhar Narishakti se Samvad’ through video conferencing last evening, Prime Minister said, the government is constantly creating an environment wherein women can make villages prosperous. Appreciating the role of Self-Help Groups, he said, the way our sisters served the countrymen through self-help groups during the Corona period is unprecedented. Be it making masks and sanitizers, delivering food to the needy or awareness work, the contribution of self-help groups has been commendable. He said, Self-Help Groups have done commendable work in paying back their loans in the last seven years. The Prime Minister urged to get vaccinated and inspire others to take COVID vaccination as soon as possible.

Mr. Modi said, when his government came, there were crores of women who did not even have a bank account and the Centre first started a massive campaign to open Jan Dhan accounts. He said, his government has provided more support to women Self-Help Groups as compared to the previous government.The Prime Minister said, this is the time of 75 years of Independence to set new goals and move forward with new energy.

On the occasion, Mr Modi also interacted with women Self-Help Group members and community resource persons promoted under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihoods Mission. The Prime Minister released capitalization support funds to the tune of 1,625 Crore rupees to over four lakh SHGs. He also released 25 crore rupees as seed money for seven thousand five hundred SHG members under the PM Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries and 4.13 crore rupees as funds to 75 Farmer Producer Organizations being promoted under the Mission.