Denounces terrorism, extremism and fanaticism in all forms and manifestations

Support ‘an independent and sovereign Palestinian State’

Rejects US decision to relocated its embassy to Jerusalem

AMN / Agencies/ MAKKAH

Renewing their commitment to the Palestinian cause, Heads of Islamic countries on Saturday reiterated the Palestinians’ right to statehood. Arab and Islamic nations have been attending three summits in two days to discuss regional issues, including a growing threat to Middle East security by Iran.

The leaders of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States denounced in their declaration terrorism, extremism and fanaticism in all their forms and manifestations, whatever their causes and motives.

The declaration rejected any attempts to link terrorism to any nationality, civilization or religion. It also reiterated rejection of providing any direct or indirect support for groups and organizations that incite violence, extremism and terrorism under any pretext.


The Member States expressed their condemnation of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion, color or faith, as well as denouncing sectarianism, and fanaticism in all their forms and manifestations.

The declaration affirmed that those in charge of social media have huge responsibilities in achieving the goals and objectives of Islamic fraternity and keeping away from stirring chaos and dissent among the members of the Islamic nations.

The OIC supported the Palestinians to “attain their inalienable national rights, including their right to self-determination and the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital,” said a statement by the organization issued at the Islam’s holiest site.

The OIC also rejected any solution that does not secure the Palestinian people’s rights and rejected Washington’s relocation of its embassy to Jerusalem.

“Palestine is our main issue until the Palestinians get their rights,” Saudi Arabia’s King Salman said opening the Islamic summit in Makkah, as throngs of worshippers crowded the Grand Mosque for a key date in the Ramadan calendar.

“We reaffirm our unequivocal rejection of any measures that would prejudice the historical and legal status of Al-Quds Al-Sharif,” the king said referring to the third holiest site in Islam.

We want an integral solution that would preserve the Palestinians’ rights in accordance with the borders of 67, said Jordan’s King Abdullah, in his remarks to the leaders.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu also urged the creation of a Palestinian state within the 67 borders with Jerusalem as its capital.

King Salman also reiterated that efforts must be made to confront terrorism and those who sponsor it. The king put the blame of recent attacks on oil tankers off the UAE coast squarely on Iranian-backed terrorist groups.

“During this holy month, commercial vessels, including two Saudi oil tankers, were subjected near the UAE’s territorial waters to terrorist sabotage. This poses a serious threat to the security and safety of maritime traffic and regional and international security. Also, two oil pump stations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were attacked by drones launched by Iranian-backed terrorist militias,” said the king.

We emphasize that these subversive terrorist acts not only target the Kingdom and the Gulf region, but also the security of navigation and world energy supplies.”

“We hope that the Summit will achieve the aspirations of the Islamic countries for progress, development and prosperity,” the king told leaders and heads of states of 57 countries of the OIC.

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