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N KOREA LEADERNorth Korea has conducted a new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Test, second in a month. In a statement, US military said, the latest missile was launched last night from an arms plant in Jagang province and landed about 1,000 kilometers from the launch site.

Japan said, the missile is believed to have landed in its exclusive economic zone 45 minutes after the launch. Experts said, the missile had a range of about 10,000 kilometers and is capable of striking Los Angeles and other US cities.Pyongyang’s had conducted its first ICBM test three weeks ago.

South Korea said it will proceed with the deployment of four additional Terminal High Altitude Area Defenae (THAAD) units after North Korea’s latest launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile.

The deployment of the additional units of anti-ballistic missile defence system THAAD had been delayed after the initial two units, following South Korean President Moon Jae-in ordering an environmental assessment.

The South’s presidential Blue House said China has been notified of the move of speeding up the deployment. China has angrily objected to the THAAD deployment, saying it does little to deter the North’s missile threat while destabilizing regional security balance.

It believes the THAAD’s radar can penetrate deep into its territory.

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