Olympic gold medalist Neeraj Chopra tied the knot with Himani Mor, a native of Larsauli village in Haryana’s Sonipat district at a simple and heartwarming ceremony. The wedding, celebrated with traditional simplicity, became a testament to values over extravagance.

Neeraj, 27, shared photos of the ceremony on social media, seeking blessings from his well-wishers. But what truly stood out was the absence of dowry—a rarity in many parts of India.

According to Dainik Bhaskar, Himani’s parents, Chandram and Meena Mor, revealed that the wedding was finalized for just Re 1. “No dowry or gifts were accepted, not even clothes or household goods,” they shared.

Held at a luxury resort on Solan-Kumarhatti road in Himachal Pradesh, the ceremony embraced a traditional Haryanvi dress code: men wore dhoti-kurtas, while women adorned ghaghra, daman, and kanthi. The simplicity extended to the guest list, with close family members attending due to time constraints, as Himani had limited leave from work.

Himani’s mother reflected on the match with pride. “By the grace of God, my daughter married the pride of our country, Neeraj Chopra. Both families knew each other well, and everything was done with the consent of Himani and Neeraj,” she shared.