Nagaland Chief Minister Shurhozelie Liezietsu and his MLAs did not turn up to face a floor test at a special session of the state assembly follow which the House was adjourned sine die. Speaker Dr. Imtiwapang Aier said the reports of today’s proceedings will be sent to the governor.

Governor P B Acharya had asked the Speaker to summon an emergent special session of the state assembly at 9.30 am today for the chief minister, who is facing a rebellion from his party MLAs, to seek the confidence vote. The directive came after the Gauhati High Court yesterday dismissed Chief Minister Shurhozelie Liezietsu’s plea to stay the Governor’s directive to him to seek a trust vote.

Justice L M Jamir, judge of Kohima Bench of Gauhati High Court, had dismissed a writ petition filed by Liezietsu, pleading for a stay on the governor’s directive to him to seek a vote of confidence in the assembly by 15th July.

The court while stating there was no merit in the petition vacated its interim order staying the directive and left the matter to the discretion of the governor.

T R Zeliang group attended Today’s special session. Mr. Zeliang claims he has majority support in the House to form the government. He was forced out of office in February following large scale protests over holding of urban local bodies election with 33 per cent reservation for women.