Union Minister for Civil Aviation Hardeep Singh Puri today said that more than one crore passengers have flown on over one lakh flights since resumption of domestic operations on 25th May.
Minister said that domestic aviation was moving towards pre-COVID figures. He congratulated all stakeholders on achieving this milestone in India’s journey towards creating an Aatma Nirbhar Bharat.
The Civil Aviation Minister said, the total number of departing passengers yesterday was over one lakh nineteen thousand and the total number of arriving passengers during this period was over one lakh twenty one thousand. He added that total departures were 1393 whereas arrivals were 1394 taking the total number of movements of flights to 2787. Further, the total number of passenger footfalls at airports across the country was over two lakh forty thousand a single day.
In the wake of Covid-19, the operations of domestic scheduled commercial airlines were seized from 25th March this year.