Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today slammed prime minister for his foreign visit. He said that there was need of first Making India rather than “Make in India”.

Hitting out at Modi’s Make In India pitch in the US, His Aam Aadmi Party also said that the country lacks considerably in basic facilities and needs urgent attention and investment in the fields of health, education, water, safety, justice and infrastructure.

“Make in India would automatically happen if we first Make India … Make India is to invest in health, education, water, safety, justice and infrastructure,” Kejriwal tweeted.

“People are our best asset. Invest in them and the world will follow us. Pro-people power policy of AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) government is a step towards Make India. All doubts on power front have evaporated in front of honest governance,” the chief minister said in a series of tweets.

Later, at a programme in Delhi Assembly,he said priority should be given for “Making India” rather than “Make in India”.

“If we concentrate on providing proper infrastructure, rendering honest service and ensuring conducive atmosphere for making India then we wouldn’t have to give a call for ‘make in India’,” he said.

The chief minister assured the people present that his government was honestly translating the desires of the people in providing them a corruption-free and good administration.

“Whatever we promised to the people, we fulfilled that in true spirit. We are serving the people with full honesty towards fulfilling their dreams,” he said.

“The AAP is of the view that though the PM is fully justified in making efforts for the progress of the country, any step to invite foreign players shall continue to be a futile exercise till the central government changes its priorities,” the party said in a statement.

“AAP calls upon the central government to help and aid the pro-people policies. The party will propagate its Delhi model — which has proved that increased allocation in basic sectors yields results,” the party added.