Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Friday directed the members of the House to maintain decorum and refrain from passing any comments against the Chair.

Expressing displeasure over the unruly behavior of some MPs yesterday, he said, members should maintain the same conduct even when the Presiding Officer is assuming the Chair.

He said, there can be some differences and the members can visit the Speaker’s chamber to address their grievances. He further said that the members should maintain their conduct outside the Parliament also and desist from posting objectionable things on social media

The Speaker told the House that he makes a point that each member is given adequate time to speak. Endorsing the displeasure expressed by the Speaker, members cutting across party lines assured him that they are committed to good behavior in the House.
National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah said that the Speaker is the master of the House and all the members respect the Chair. He sought forgiveness from the Chair.

N.K. Premchandran of RSP said that questioning the authority of the Chair can never be allowed.   Supriya Sule of NCP, Arvind Sawant of Shiv Sena, A. Raja of DMK and others endorsed the sentiments of the Speaker.