Kerala Finance Minister K. N. Balagopal presented the maiden budget of the new government at the State Legislative Assembly today. Finance Minister announced 20,000-crore rupees for Special COVID Package to tide over the crisis induced by the second wave of the pandemic.

The budget also set aside 1,000 crore rupees to provide free vaccination for everyone aged above 18 years and an additional allocation of 500 crore rupees for vaccination facilities. The budget also proposed a six-point programme for the strengthening of health sector considering the concerns over the third wave of the pandemic.

No new tax proposals were announced in the budget considering the economic impact of the pandemic. The budget further announced a comprehensive package of 5,300 crore rupees for coastal regions development. The budget promised strengthening of facilities for online learning. Rupees 2,000 crore loan package has been announced for agriculture sector, Rs.1,600 crores for new industrial initiatives and 100 crore rupees as interest subsidies.