By A Correspondent

In order to commemorate the 8th anniversary of the landmark legislation of ‘Sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013, the Internal Complaints Committee organized an online sensitization workshop on ‘Understanding Appropriate behavior at workplace’ on 9th December 2021.

In her opening remarks the Vice –Chancellor, Professor Najma Akhtar highlighted the need to have more frequent discourses on gender sensitivity, inclusivity and addressing even basic questions like what is meant by Appropriate behavior, what is ‘workplace’ and how to enable a workplace which is fair, safe and happy.

The talk was given by the eminent speaker Professor Bulbul Dhar James, who has been actively involved in research, publications and presentations in the field of gender and empowerment, political economy and governance, and human rights. Her session kept the audience glued as she depicted the complexities of our biases and their acceptance in the society in a very interesting format. She also presented few short films while setting the context of talk. In the later part of the talk, she highlighted some of the critical definitions and their interpretations as given by the Act.

The session received very interesting suggestions by the audience including the need to conduct more such sessions in different languages for greater outreach.