Eight coaches of the Jabalpur-Nizamuddin Mahakaushal Express derailed in the wee hours today near Mahoba in Uttar Pradesh. The Chief Public Relations Officer, North Central Railway said according to initial reports, around nine passengers have been injured in the incident. Rescue operations are on. The cause of derailment is yet to be ascertained.

The official said, an accident relief train has been rushed to the site and the injured have been given first-aid. Railways spokesman Anil Saxena said a probe has been ordered into the accident.

Railway officials have operationalised helplines at Jhansi, Gwalior and Banda to disseminate information to relatives of the passengers. The Helpline number for Jhansi is 0510-1072, Gwalior 0751-1072, Banda 05192-1072, Allahabad 0532-1072 and 2408149 and Kanpur 0512-1072.

Several trains have been either diverted or cancelled due to the accident on Jhansi-Mahoba rail section. MC Chauhan General manager of North Central Railway has ordered a probe into the accident and it will be conducted by a senior grade railway officer.