President Ram Nath Kovind and his Turkmenistan counterpart Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow held delegation-level talks at Oguzhar palace Ashgabat and exchanged views on various regional and international issues on Saturday.

Several MoUs were also signed between India and Turkmenistan during the talks. During the meeting state and prospects of bilateral relations between both the countries were discussed. Both the leaders also exchanged their views on various regional and international issues of importance. Both the countries have also agreed to intensify efforts to further strengthen the multifaceted partnership, Economic relations and bilateral ties.

President Kovind said that the MoU signed between Financial Intelligence Unit of India and Financial Monitoring Service of Turkmenistan would strengthen the framework of economic cooperation between two countries. Emphasising the significance of the International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and the Ashgabat Agreement on International Transport and Transit Corridor Tukmenistan President said the Chabahar port built by India in Iran could be used to improve trade between India and Central Asia. Turkmenistan President said his country is an important partner for India in the India – Central Asia Summit framework and both the countries have agreed to further enhance cooperation under the framework flowing from the India-Central Asia Summit.

The President said, both the countries have identified new areas of cooperation such as Disaster Management. An MoU has also been signed between both the countries. Stating that both the countries share centuries-old civilizational and cultural linkage, Mr Kovind said, the MoU for the Programme of Cooperation on Culture and Arts for the period 2022-25, will give new direction to our cultural cooperation.

Welcoming to Turkmenistan’s readiness to send a youth delegation to India within the ambit of India-Central Asia cultural cooperation Mr Kovind said, the MoU on Youth Affairs would further intensify exchanges between youth of both the countries.

The President thanked Turkmenistan for its support to India’s permanent membership in a reformed and expanded UN Security Council as well as for India’s initiatives as a non-permanent member of UNSC for the period of 2021-22.
On Afghanistan, the President said, as immediate neighbours, both the countries are naturally concerned about the developments within that country and their external repercussions. Both the countries shared a broad ‘regional consensus’ on the issues related to Afghanistan, which includes formation of a truly representative and inclusive government, combating terrorism and drug trafficking, central role of the UN, providing immediate humanitarian assistance for the people of Afghanistan and preserving the rights of women, children and other national ethnic groups and minorities.

The two countries agreed to do more to expand bilateral trade which has remained modest. President Ram Nath Kovind’ said that business communities must deepen their engagement, understand each other’s regulations and identify new areas of trade and investment.

On the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Pipeline(TAPI) pipeline, the President Kovind suggested that issues related to security of the pipeline and key business principles may be addressed in Technical and Expert level meetings.