and United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) is hosting the Regional Group Earthquake Response Exercise at Agra, from May 04.
This Regional Group Earthquake Response exercise is a tabletop exercise and provides a unique opportunity to all the participants at the national and international level to learn the best practices of Urban Search and Rescue from various participating responders. With a view to provide international level exposure to the officials involved in the management of earthquake disaster at different level, officials/ personnel from the Ministries/ Departments/ NGOs dealing with such disasters are participating in the above exercise. About 80-100 international participants including representatives of UN/ INSARAG and similar number of Indian counterparts are participating in the Exercise.
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs conducts a Regional Earthquake Response Exercise every year in the Asia-Pacific region. UNOCHA had requested Govt. of India to host this exercise in 2011.