Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bhutanese counterpart Lotay Tshering jointly launched e-RuPay card Phase-II today. Both the leaders had jointly launched Phase-I of the project during the State Visit of Prime Minister to Bhutan in August last year.

Mr Modi said, India stands with Bhutan in difficult hour of COVID-19 pandemic. He said Bhutan’s requirements will always be top priority for India. He said the phase two launching of RuPay card will boost the ties between the two countries.

Mr Modi also expressed happiness that work is going on rapidly to send Bhutan’s satellite to space with the help of ISRO, next year. He said for this purpose, Bhutan’s four space engineers are coming to ISRO in December.

Mr Tshering lauding Prime Minister Modi’s leadership in tackling the pandemic expressed hopes that India will come out much stronger from the pandemic. He said, the lead that India is taking in developing vaccines is a source of hope for all . Mr Tshering also thanked the Prime minister for the assurance to make the vaccine available for Bhutan once they are ready for clinical use.

The implementation of Phase-I of RuPay cards in Bhutan has enabled visitors from India to access ATMs and Point of Sale, PoS terminals across Bhutan. Phase-II will now allow Bhutanese card holders to access RuPay network in India.