India on Thursday outrightly rejected the propaganda by Pakistan about alleged ill-treatment of Sikh soldiers in the Indian Army and said it is proud of its secular credentials.

In a tough statement, the Indian army termed such a campaign as malicious since Pakistan had also claimed that the Sikh soldiers were discontented.

The Indian Army said that over the past few days, a state sponsored malicious social media disinformation campaign has been run by Pakistan against the Indian Army and in particular against Lt Gen Taranjit Singh, a senior officer posted in the Department of Military Affairs.

In a statement, the Indian Army said, having failed consistently to incite religion-based disaffection within the country, Pakistan, in a desperate attempt, is now trying to create a divide within the Indian Army.

Categorically rejecting such malicious attempts to defame the institution, the Indian Army said, it is a secular organisation and all officers and soldiers serve the Nation with pride irrespective of their religion, caste, creed or gender.