Speaking at the second plenary session of the Indo Africa summit here, he also announced that 700 million dollars will be given to establish new institutions and training programmes in the African region.

“We will offer 5 billion US dollars for the next three years under lines of credit to help Africa achieve its development goals”, Dr Singh said .

Besides the new rail project worth 300 million dollars in Ethiopia, Dr Singh offered 10,000 new scholarships for African students through the initiative of India-Africa virtual university project.

Dr. Singh reiterated India’s commitment to work with Africa to realise its vast development potential and added that a new vision is required to achieve this goal. He said, Indian experience in nation building will be shared with the African brothers and sisters.

“India will never forget Africa’s role in inspiring our own struggle for national liberation. It was here that Mahatma Gandhi developed his political philosophy and developed the concepts of non-violence and peaceful resistance” prime minister said.

Prime Minister said that the current international economic and political situation was far from favourable, particularly for developing countries. “Even as the global economy is recovering from the economic crisis, fresh political upheavals are taking place. The world faces new challenges in assuring food and energy security. Global institutions of governance are outmoded and under stress” , he said.

Dr Singh assured that India would work with Africa to realise its vast potential. We believe that a new vision is required for Africa’s development and participation in global affairs.

The Prime Minsiter said that Africa possesses all the elements to become a major growth pole of the world. Calling for a new spirit of solidarity the Prime Minister promised to work with African leaders for the common uplift of the poor people.