rajnath-in-bahrainHome Minister Rajnath Singh has said that Bahrain has not only condemned the terror attacks in Pathankot and Uri but also supported India’s counter terrorism measures. Interacting with Indian community in Manama yesterday, Mr. Singh said that Bahrain has started a “Little India in Bahrain” project and both countries are coming closer on emotional level as well.

In a series of tweets last night, the Home Minister said that the Narendra Modi government has made several structural and procedural changes in India and it has been successful in reducing overall corruption. He said, India has attracted 51 billion dollars of FDI in one year which is more than even the US and China. Mr. Singh said India is today the fastest growing economy of the world and now it has become the most favourite destination for investment.

The Home Minister yesterday arrived in Manama on a three-day visit to Bahrain. During his visit Mr Singh, will meet Bahrain King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, Prime Minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and Interior Minister Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa and will discuss various bilateral issues with them.

Photo:  Bahrain Minister of Foreign Affairs receives India’s Minister of Home Affairs