PM Narendra Modi delivering his opening address at the inaugural ceremony of the 3rd India Africa Forum Summit , in New Delhi on October 29, 2015.

India and Africa Forum today adopted a Delhi Declaration 2015 and India Africa Framework for Strategic Cooperation at the conclusion of third Summit in New Delhi.

The Delhi Declaration-2015 called for continued collaboration in the fields of peace and security.

It also spoke of strengthening of UN counter terrorism mechanism and enhancing cooperation and coordination to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

The India Africa Framework for Strategic Cooperation reaffirmed strong commitment to work together for a comprehensive Reform of the United Nations system, including its Security Council, to make it more regionally representative, democratic, accountable and effective.

Africa and India agreed to support establishment of Small and Medium Enterprises and Medium and Small Industries to promote employment creation and income generation for people of both sides.

It stressed on ensuring access to affordable and quality medicines and treatment, particularly generic medicines.

In his closing remarks, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said partnership between India and Africa is natural and India will work with African countries to realize its vision of a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth, empowered citizens and sustainable development.

The Prime Minister said, India and African countries will intensify their cooperation to fight terrorism.

Mr Modi said, New Delhi will give high priority to increase trade and investment flows between India and Africa and will make trade more balanced.

He said, India will facilitate Africa’s access to the Indian market and ensure full and effective implementation of the duty free access extended to 34 countries.

Mr Modi said, the biggest outcome of the Summit is renewed friendship, deepened partnerships and stronger solidarity.

He said India and African countries have agreed that the Summit will be held in every five years.

Mr Modi said, India’s engagement with Africa will remain intense and regular.  Earlier in the day, in his inaugural address at the Summit, Mr Modi said, India and Africa must speak in one voice in pushing for reform of UN Security Council.

He had cautioned that the United Nations ran the risk of becoming irrelevant unless it adjusted to the changing world.

He also called for concerted efforts to deal with the threat of terrorism.