Hazare said, he would continue his fast till all his demands are met. A large number of people joined Hazare at Jantar Mantar Thursday to pledge their support for the agitation launched by him.

Talks remained inconclusive on draft of  an anti-corruption Lok Pal Bill due to differences on some issues. Speaking to reporters after the second round of talks Thursday, government’s representative and Union Minister Kapil Sibal said, differences persist on their demand that the joint drafting committee be headed by Anna Hazare and on the issuing a government notification about the constitution of the committee.

Appealing Anna Hazare to break his fast-unto-death, he said that he will hold another round of talks with these representatives tomorrow.

Mr. Arvind Kejrewal and Swami Agnivesh, who represented civil society leaders in the talks, said that they want a formal notification by the government about the constitution of the committee.

Anna Hazare on the other hand denied that he wants to head the committee and suggested that a retired Supreme Court Judge should head such a panel.

Meanwhile, the UPA Chairperson Mrs. Sonia Gandhi has appealed to Anna Hazare to give up his fast saying that she was sure that his views will receive the government’s full attention in fight against corruption.

She said that Anna Hazare has raised issues of grave public concern and there can be no two views on the urgent necessity of combating corruption in public life. She said that the laws in these matters must be effective and deliver the desired results.

While, Information and Broadcasting Minister Ms Ambika Soni said that the decision on the drafting Anti Corruption bill can not be taken in haste and it needs a larger debate at the national level involving all sections of the society. She said this while talking to reporters on the sideline of a function in New Delhi.

In a related development, BJP described the draft of the Lok Pal Bill brought by the government as toothless and supported Anna Hazare’s demand of stringent anti-corruption legislation.

Calling for a national campaign to fight corruption, the CPI Thursday said that it extends its support to the fast undertaken by social activist Anna Hazare demanding that the Government enact a tough anti corruption law.

Speaking to reporters in Chennai, Mr.Bardhan said that the Government’s draft Lok Pal Bill has been found wanting in several aspects and has no teeth to tackle the menace.

Stating that corruption is eating into the vitals of the system,he said the centre should come forward and form a joint committee to take a look at the draft prepared by civil activists.

Mr. Baradhan who is on a three day visit to the state campaigning for the AIADMK led front welcomed the initiatives taken by the Election commission to curb the use of money power in the election.

On the prospects of the Left Front in West Bengal he said it would be a close and tough fight in the state.