Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar today visited the Sunped village of Ballabgarh and met the victim’s family and father of the deceased kids Mr Jitender. Condoling the family, the Chief Minister assured him justice and every help. He said CBI inquiry has been recommended in the case and CBI will soon start his job.
Chief Minister also apprised him that he is being given 10 lakh rupees as a relief. He also assured government job and free treatment to the injured mother recuperating in Safdarjung Hospital. Chief Minister told media that it is a case of enemity between two families. However suppression of the people of weaker sections will not be allowed, he said.
Members of Rajput community from 12 villages also had a meeting with the Chief Minister. They demanded narco test of members of the both communities involved in the incident. Chief Minister assured them fair and unbiased probe.