JAIPUR: (AMN) The Rajasthan High Court has extended the stay on Special Backward Classes (SBC) Reservation Act for another one year. This act provides for five per cent reservation to the SBC including Gujjars. The Rajasthan High Court Bench, comprising of Chief Justice Arun Mishra and Justice Mahesh Bhagwati, has directed the state government to collect fresh data about the educational, social and economic backwardness of the castes and communities to be included in the SBCs within one year. After this exercise Government should come with a fresh proposal containing full facts and figures for providing reservation to these castes. After the High Court’s decision, the Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said that the judgment will be got examined by the Law Department.
Meanwhile, Gujjar Leader Colonel Kirodi Singh Bainsla said that the Gujjar community respects the judgment, but they will continue their agitation till their demand is fulfilled.
Today’s decision of Rajasthan High Court is a big set back for the state government as well as for the agitating Gujjars. The whole exercise of providing reservation to Special Backward Classes has proved to be fatal as the Court has directed the state government to collect fresh data about the social, educational and economic indicators of the castes to be included in SBC within one year.
Meanwhile the Centre has despatched 1500 paramilitary personnel to Rajasthan to assist the state government in handling situation in the wake of Gujjars demanding reservation for the community in government jobs. Rail and road traffic was disrupted in different part of Rajasthan and connecting states.