In Gujarat, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation AMC has added 19 more areas to Micro Containment zones while removing 4 areas from the list. The multipronged strategy adopted by the Municipal authority has yielded good results in Ahmedabad.
Situation of Covid19 pandemic is alarming in Surat, but the same is improving in Ahmedabad. Sources said that Ahmedabad was the worst hit city in the country just two months back. The city had more than 2500 active cases and death rate was nearly 6 percent. But, after the adoption of the multi pronged strategy, the number of active cases in the city reduced to around 1500. Active cases declined by 40 percent from its peak, while death rate also down by half.
Key measures which helped in controlling Covid-19 include – opening of 2,800 clinics in the city, requisitioning 3,328 beds in 67 private hospitals and availability of lifesaving drugs for critical patients. Apart from this, providing medicines including Vitamin C and D and Ayurvedic medicines to the people at their doorsteps through Danvantari Medical vans in targeted areas also helped a lot.