River Flowing in Spring
UNION Water Resources Minister Uma Bharti today said that her Ministry is in discussion with various stake holders to bring an Act for River Ganga which will focus on preserving the river.

Briefing media on the achievements of her Ministry during last three years in New Delhi , Ms Bharti said the exercise will be over very soon and the bill to this effect will be introduced in the Parliament. She said government is working seriously to clean river Ganga and the results can be seen now.

Ms Bharti said Cabinet approved National Clean Ganga Mission, an integrated conservation mission with a budget outlay of 20000 crore rupees for five years. She added that Ecological Flow Report on Ganga is being examined by the Ministry.

Giving details of key initiatives of her Ministry, Ms Bharti said afforestation is being planned along Ganga which includes plantation in Natural, Agricultural and Urban landscape. The Minister said central government is working with Tamil Nadu government on drought issue.

The Government has accorded high priority to Inter Linking River projects due to which Ken Betwa project is likely to be rolled out soon. All mandatory clearances and statutory clearances have been obtained from designated authorities. Draft Cabinet Note for implementation of project has been circulated for inter-ministerial consultations and copies have also been shared with States of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh for obtaining their Views.

On a query, Ms Bharti said, officials from her Ministry and the Uttar Pradesh Government will take up the issue of shifting of Kanpur tanneries. She hoped that the officials will meet sometimes next week to discuss the issue.