Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that his government was committed to further strengthen the Make in India project. Addressing the One District One Product Summit at Deendayal Hastkala Sankul, in Varanasi today PM said that the project is an extension of Make in India.

Prime Minister congratulated Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for the initiative. He said he himself is monitoring 100 districts where MSME sector is growing. PM Modi said, his government is providing every assistance to the weavers in terms of marketing, loans and removing roles of the middleman. Prime Minister said that his government wants to develop Varanasi without disturbing its ancient sanctity.

Prime Minister dedicated SAMPANN software to the nation which is a Comprehensive pension management system to help lakhs of pensioners. PM Modi laid the foundation stone for 12 development projects in his home constituency.

He also inaugurated 14 other completed projects worth 279 crores rupees. He also launched a coffee table book on Kumbh 2019.

Earlier, addressing a public gathering after laying the foundation stone of a medical college at Ghazipur, Prime Minister said that the Government is working to develop Purvanchal as a hub for fast medicare facilities.

He said that the medical college will not only provide better Heath facilities but also prepare local doctors to serve the people.

PM said his government is working tirelessly for the upliftment of poor and downtrodden and has launched Heath schemes like Ayushman Bharat and Pradhanmantri Jeevan Jyoti Suraksha Yojna.

Prime Minister also released a commemorative postal stamp on Maharaja Suheldev, mentor of Rajbhar community.

Prime Minister Modi blamed Congress for not caring for farmers during its rule at the Centre. He said his government has increased the minimum support prices of 22 cereals to one and halftime.