the Information and Broadcasting Minister Mrs. Ambika Soni said that the 1100 crore rupees share of the central government will be released as per the provisions made.  She added that a capacity building fund with the corpus of one hundred crore rupees will be set up in collaboration with NABAD for training, the rural bank staff and other reputed institutions. Mrs. Soni said another amount of seven hundred crore rupees will be provided as a contingency fund to meet the requirement of week regional rural banks particularly in north eastern and eastern region.

The Union Cabinet has also approved a proposal for providing central sales tax laws related compensation to the States incurred in the current fiscal.
In another decision the Cabinet decided to amend the existing Press and Registration of Books Act. The objective is to streamline the age old processes and to address certain issues concerning print media policy and guidelines. It also proposes to make filing of annual statements by publishers compulsory and has provisions to limit on foreign news content and foreign investments.

The Union Cabinet Thursday approved the proposal to move a necessary amendment in the coin age bill 2009.  The changes in the Bill will be made as per the requirements says an official press release and the revised bill will be reintroduced in Parliament.