Academic freedom in universities must be protected recent events at Ramjas college in Delhi illustrate the growing threat to freedom of expression on Indian university campuses, said Amnesty International India on Thursday.

Several people were injured in clashes between student groups in Ramjas college, Delhi on Wednesday. Three journalists told Amnesty International India they had been assaulted by members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the student wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.

On Tuesday, a seminar on ‘Cultures of Protest’ organised at the college was cancelled after members of the ABVP obstructed the event.

“Universities are supposed to be safe spaces for debate and discussion. But the events at Ramjas College are a shameful reminder of how intimidation and threats continue to restrict free speech on university campuses,” said Aakar Patel, Executive Director at Amnesty International India.

“Authorities need to protect academic freedom, which is crucial to the right to education. The Delhi police must ensure that students at universities can express their opinions without fear of repression by anyone.”