Delhi Police have arrested two persons for spying. Those arrested are Maulana Ramzan and Subhash, and are from Nagaur in Rajasthan. The police also detained Mehmood Akhtar an employee of Pakistan High Commission and later let off. Speaking to media a short while ago, Delhi Police Joint Commissioner (Crime) Ravindra Yadav said documents related to defence and BSF deployments, maps and visa-related documents have been recovered from both the spies.
He said, Akhtar was a havildar in Baloch regiment of Pakistan army and was later hired by ISI. Mr Yadav said, the spy was working in the visa department of the Pakistan High Commission. He said, the High Commission staffer, Akhtar, was the kingpin of spy racket. This module has been active for a long time and police had inputs that they were working for Pakistan’s ISI.
After this development, Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar today summoned Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit to convey that Pakistan High Commission staffer has been declared persona non grata for espionage activities.