Countries are rushing to evacuate from Afghanistan days before the deadline for a US military pullout. Crowds continue to gather near Kabul international airport despite this week’s deadly attacks that killed more than 100 people. Security concerns remain high in the country. The US embassy in Kabul has warned its citizens to avoid airport gates due to security threats.

Authorities in France, Germany and other European countries say they have ended their evacuation flights. Japan has evacuated one of its citizens and about a dozen Afghans to neighboring Pakistan in the past few days. But many people including Afghan staff at the Japanese Embassy have been unable to reach the airport. Self Defense Force personnel remain on standby in Islamabad to help with any evacuations.

Meanwhile, the US Central Command says, American forces carried out a drone strike against a member of a regional affiliate of the Islamic State militant group. A statement says, initial indications are that the strike killed the intended target.

US troops are scheduled to pull out of the country by Tuesday. A Taliban spokesperson has said Afghans with valid documents will be allowed to travel after civilian flights resume. But it is not clear whether people will be to get visas as many embassies have closed.