
Congress Working Committee CWC, the party’s highest decision making body has recommended elevation of party vice president Rahul Gandhi as it’s president. The members at today’s meeting unanimously voiced strong sentiment for his elevation. The meeting was chaired by Mr Gandhi as party president Sonia Gandhi could not attend due to illness.

Party veteran A K Antony spoke about the need for Mr Gandhi to take over the mantle of the party from her mother and Congress chief Sonia Gandhi. Mr Antony told reporters after the four hour long meeting that all members including Dr Manmohan Singh, insisted that it is high time for Mr Gandhi to take over as party chief.

Text of Rahul Gandhi speech at CWC Meeting on Nov 7

The CWC decided to meet Congress supremo Sonia Gandhi to tell her about the sentiment of the members.

The move appeared well planned, and the demand of the CWC is seen as the first definite step towards Rahul’s elevation. However, it is still not clear if he will be made the working president or will replace Sonia as chief.

In his opening remarks before proceeding with the agenda of the meeting, Rahul Gandhi asserted that democracy, under the present dispensation, is going through one of its darkest hours and that the government is silencing all those who disagree with it.

“Hiding behind the cloak of national security, civil society is being intimidated for asking questions. Television channels are being punished and asked to shut down. The opposition is being arrested for holding the government to account. All attempts by this government to suppress our fundamental freedoms by abusing state power will only strengthen our resolve to defeat such dangerous designs,” Rahul said.


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